Storyboard Podcasts


About the Project

Storyboard Podcasts is a revolutionary app designed specifically for hosting private podcasts, tailored to meet the needs of teams and organizations. It empowers users to create and distribute podcasts securely to a select group of listeners, facilitating enhanced communication and collaboration

Whether you're looking to streamline weekly team updates, improve internal communications, or share confidential information, Storyboard makes it possible through a private podcasting platform. With features that support seamless recording, editing, and distribution, Storyboard ensures your team's messages are delivered efficiently and securely. Experience the future of internal communication with Storyboard Podcasts, and transform how your organization shares information.

  • Client location:

  • Development time:

    5 month

  • Targeted Audience:






See Project

Tech Frameworks and Tools

We leveraged the strength of robust and secure technologies, tools, and frameworks used in the app/web to escalate the creation of new features and functionalities.